Melton Residents Snake Alert!

Melton community | Latest News | local news | whats on 13th November, 2015 No Comments
eastern brown

As the warmer weather approaches, residents are being encouraged to keep a very close lookout for snakes in the area. There has already been numerous amounts of sightings and encounters with snakes within Melton and it is just the very start of the warmer seasons.

Melton Veterinary clinic has sent out a snake alert warning over social media, since a number of dogs sadly in the last week losing their lives due to snake bites.

They are urging dog owners to have a very close look out for snakes in long grass areas. If you see a snake, keep calm and slowly back away whilst still keeping your eye on the snake. Snakes will not come to you on purpose but if aggravated in some way will attack. At home make sure you keep grass in your area down, so snakes are unlikely to hide in there.

A lot of the time snake bites particularly on dogs aren’t too visible but certain signs of a possible snake bite are shaking, twitching, possibly collapsing, vomiting or blood in the urine. If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a snake, take them down to the nearest vet immediately as time plays a vital role in their survival.

It is important to understand that snakes are attracted to shelter, so a big spring clean-up will need to be in order if you have bits of timber, metal or other objects lying around your backyard.

If you or someone you know is bitten by a snake make sure that you dial 000 immediately and be prepared to do CPR. Apply a pressurised immobilisation bandage and keep the person as still and calm as possible until medical help arrives.

IMPORTANT: Do not try and kill snakes as this is when they are more than likely going to attack. As previously mentioned, slowly back away from the snake while keeping your eye on it.


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